A Definitive Guide To St. Patrick’s Day In Savannah
If you’re lucky enough to be in Savannah for St. Patrick’s Day then we’ve got some special tips just for you.
- Don’t Wear Green – This tired old tradition has had it, no one in Savannah wears green anymore, and you don’t want to look silly do you? We suggest orange instead.
- Wear Your Best Shoes – A real no-brainer with this one, you want to look your best so wear your most expensive shoes. Heels are highly recommended, the higher the heel the better. No cobblestones can stop you now!
- Don’t Drink In Public – It’s frowned upon because after all this is a religious holiday. Plus, you’ll be hard pressed to find a bar or liquor store open anyway. Stick with drinking alone, like the professionals do.
- Don’t Bring A Chair – The parade is over too quickly to take advantage of siting down anyway. You’ll just end up burdened with a useless camping chair over your shoulder, so why bother?
- Don’t Carpool Or Take A Shuttle – There’s plenty of free parking in downtown Savannah, right along the parade route. Plus, you’ll want to leave as soon as possible, so why wait on your ride to be ready to go, just drive yourself home.
- Baby Strollers & Dogs Are Encouraged – There’s plenty of room to move about because the crowds are so small, so make sure to bring the baby and your fur babies!
- Soft Applause Only, No Shouting – Again, this is a primarily religious holiday, and you wouldn’t go around hooting and hollering in church now would you?
- When Nature Calls, Answer – If you gotta go, you gotta go, so why not just pick the nearest bush or alleyway. There’s no public restrooms anyway, so why waste time looking, just drop trow anywhere and have at it.
- Last Minute Deals – It’s a little known secret that most downtown hotels keep several rooms unoccupied for the celebration, so no need to plan ahead!
- Smooch Those Heroes – There’s nothing more our troops love than a big smooch on the cheek during a parade, make sure to wear as much lipstick as physically possible, so their superiors will know they are appreciated.
If you follow these simple tips then you’re sure to have a great time this year!