Savannah Drivers Leave Spot for Ghost Cars at Stoplights
If you drive in Savannah you’ve probably noticed a peculiar habit of some drivers. When approaching a stop light some drivers will leave a whole car sized spot empty in front of them. They WILL NOT get any closer to that stop line, but why? We took to the streets to ask some locals why they think Savannah drivers leave this proverbial “ghost spot” in traffic.
“My grandma always told me she leaves the spot open for Jesus.” local resident Clem Harclaw says. “Honey if we ain’t following Jesus down the road then we may as well turn back now.”
Others had heard a different story “I always heard it was bad luck to pull up first to the traffic light” said Monique Andrews, a fourth generation resident of Savannah. “It’s like, an old wives tale or whatever, but hell, you don’t get to be an old wife without some luck, ya know?”
Whatever the reason for this odd behavior it seems the tradition isn’t going away anytime soon.
Do you have a personal anecdote about this Savannah local habit? Write and we’ll include your story too.